Consulting and Keynotes
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The implementation of an Innovation Management System requires specific knowledge and skills. It requires an objective analysis of the initial situation and an ability to identify the needs and actions to be implemented. However, the most critical aspect is undoubtedly knowing how to sequence the actions over time to ensure a gradual build-up of the innovation capabilities.
Supporting consultancy firms
Advisors and consultants, we can assist you in structuring and strengthening your SMI-dedicated consultancy offering.
Implementing IMS in a company
Innovation practitioner, we can help you implement and improve your system.
Mapping ecosystems
Responsible for an ecosystem or for public or sectoral policies, we can help you formalise and develop your National, Regional or Sectoral Innovation System.
Conferences and Keynotes
Network leaders and public policy managers, we can provide you with an insight into the IMS at your key events.
Developing your IMS consulting business
The advice on financing that companies currently receive is no longer sufficient to meet their needs in developing sustainable innovation capabilities. The publication of the ISO 56001 certification standard will undoubtedly increase the demands that companies place on their consultancy services. Innovation Way is committed to preparing the entire ecosystem for this new paradigm in innovation support. We can help you put in place new IMS-centred offerings.
What we do
As a consultancy firm, you have to innovate in order to support the implementation of an Innovation Management System. This involves developing new skills, designing new offerings, deploying new tools and considering new business models. We can assist you in this transition through a combination of the following elements.
Skills audit
The skills required to support the Innovation Management System are numerous and include assessment, strategy, innovation management, process implementation, project portfolio analysis, and more. Depending on the expertise of your organisation, your advisers and consultants, you will probably have a grounding in different areas.
Drawing on our mastery of the ISO 56000 Series and our expertise in IMS development, we can carry out an audit of the skills that can be activated to implement an IMS-oriented offering. This analysis will enable you to identify the services that could be provided in the short, medium and long term, and will help you to put in place an appropriate skills management plan.
Strategic support for management
Developing a system-oriented offering represents a significant departure from the traditional focus of a consultancy that has historically specialised in one of its components (financing, collective intelligence, Design Thinking, etc.). As with any innovation approach, it is based on a strategic choice that requires accepting a certain level of uncertainty.
It is not uncommon for perceptions of the innovation process to differ within the management committees of consultancy firms. We can support your Management Committee in this process of reflection by providing a methodological structure and insights into changes in the standardisation context and trends in innovation support in France, internationally and within international bodies (United Nations, WIPO, European Commission, African Union, etc.). Depending on the level of intervention, we can also call on the complementary expertise of our international partners.
Training consultant teams
The implementation of your new support offer may require the acquisition of new skills. Depending on your needs, we can provide training courses, but we can also refer you to other training providers, both academic and non-academic, when this is more appropriate.
Our integration into the academic ecosystem will enable us to guide your teams towards the degree and certification courses (engineering, Master degrees, Executive MBA, etc.) best suited to your needs.
Support for the introduction of new offerings
Your IMS support services will likely require a distinct structure and business model from your current support services. We can assist you in defining these elements, drawing on our expertise in various models in France and abroad. Additionally, we can help you ensure consistency in terminology between your offering and the ISO 56000 Series of standards.
Support and coaching of consultants in strategic interventions
Reputation is a crucial factor for organisations offering intellectual services. It is therefore vital to provide high-quality services from the outset, even when a new subject is involved. We can assist your consultants by providing coaching before and after their involvement in the launch of your IMS offerings. Your consultants remain your customers’ only contacts and we will ensure they can be more precise in their work.
Co-intervention according to your demand
A global IMS support offer can also identify specific expertise or hyper-expertise needs that you don’t have and that you don’t want to develop. However, once the customer’s need has been identified, a solution must be provided. In this case, we can stand by your side or mobilise a member of our network to guarantee a high-level response to your customer on the subject that you do not wish to deal with directly.
Consulting firms, competitive clusters, innovation agencies and similar bodies.
Intervention formats
An action lasting one or more days to deal with a clearly identified subject.
A combination of actions, most often starting with an analysis of your needs.
A solution that allows you to benefit from our support on a regular basis, from 1 to 3 days a month.
Implementing or improving your IMS
The implementation of a high-performance Innovation Management System is accessible to all organisations, businesses and public organisations. However, it is a long-term task that requires action at strategic, tactical and operational levels. Building up your organisation’s capacity to innovate is a gradual process and it is essential to know how to combine the different elements of your system in an order that is adapted to your own context. We can help you along the way.
What we do
As an Innovation Manager, your role is not to innovate. Rather, your role is to put in place an organisation that encourages the emergence and development of innovation within your organisation. This is sometimes referred to as developing an “innovation culture”. At Innovation Way, we believe that it’s by acting on the processes and the system that you can gradually change the culture. We can help you implement an IMS through a combination of the following elements.
Maturity audit of your current IMS
No company or group begins its innovation journey from a blank canvas. It’s not about dreaming up the idea of a lifetime and stashing it away in a drawer. It’s about understanding the processes, activities, talents, experience and know-how specific to your organisation that can serve as the foundation for building your Innovation Management System. Our approach is based on the ISO 56001 and ISO 56002 standards and on formalised tools such as the MIMS® Assessment.
Management awareness and commitment
The development of sustainable innovation capabilities represents a strategic decision. It is not a question of allocating a budget to carry out an innovative project; rather, it is a matter of changing internal practices so as to gradually integrate innovation into the day-to-day work of the teams. It is therefore essential to secure the commitment of management and build a shared vision of innovation and the keys to success.
Depending on your specific context, we can assist you in identifying and activating the most effective levers for engaging management (business approach, benchmark, normative pressure, etc.).
Raising awareness and training teams
The establishment of an Innovation Management System is, first and foremost, an engineering process. However, for the system to function effectively, it is essential to gain the commitment of the relevant teams. The number of people to involve, the optimal timing for implementation, and the nature of their involvement depend on the company’s intention to innovate. By looking beyond fads and dogmas, we can help you determine these parameters and implement the most appropriate awareness-raising and training initiatives at the optimal time.
Setting up activities and processes
The activities that make up the IMS are numerous and relate to strategy, operational management, the implementation of appropriate support systems, etc. It is important to combine activities effectively. It is common for companies to launch an ideation challenge or set up a “lab” to initiate an innovation dynamic. However, without working on the strategy and the capacity to put projects into practice upstream, they often end up with little real substance. At the same time, it is not advisable to invest significant time in developing a strategy without implementing it. We can assist you in creating a roadmap that will enable you to implement the right activities at the right time for your particular situation.
Definition of roles and responsibilities
Innovation requires a willingness to face uncertainty. In a context of uncertainty, it is particularly important to define appropriate decision-making processes. Traditional decision-making processes in companies and public organisations are usually designed to minimise risk and eliminate uncertainty. In short, the decision-making processes in place are more often than not likely to kill off any chance of innovation. Furthermore, an IMS requires a diverse range of roles, including project managers, specialists in specific methods, specialists in specific operations, facilitators, system managers, and more. We can assist you in defining the optimal roles and decision-making committees for your specific context.
An increasing number of organisations are formalising their innovation management systems, and it can be beneficial to learn from their experiences. However, it is essential to ensure that you are comparing like with like. Our expertise allows us to identify sources of inspiration and those that should be avoided, both within and beyond your own sector of activity. Our integration in numerous networks and the development of numerous partnerships allows us to help you make contact with and integrate networks that are adapted to your context.
Companies and public organisations of all sizes, national and global, and at all levels of innovation maturity.
Intervention formats
An action lasting one or more days to deal with a clearly identified subject.
A combination of actions, most often starting with an analysis of your needs.
A solution that allows you to benefit from our support on a regular basis, from 1 to 3 days a month.
Let's get to know each other and see how we can build synergies.
Mapping and developing a National, Regional or Sectoral Innovation System
Innovation is a key driver of many social and societal challenges, and numerous public policies are in place to encourage the development of innovation in local areas. All the players involved in the innovation dynamic in a given area form an Innovation System, which may be national, regional, sectoral, etc. It is important to map these players in order to highlight their complementarities and identify any duplication or gaps, so as to ensure a continuum tailored to the success of the structure involved in innovation. We can assist you in creating this map.
What we do
As the individual responsible for a public or sectoral policy focused on innovation or based on a specific field (digital, environmental transition, etc.), you must facilitate the development of an ecosystem that supports the growth of sustainable innovation dynamics in the companies and communities that you oversee. It is therefore essential that the ecosystem is capable of fostering the development of IMS in the organisations it aims to support. We can assist you in structuring your analysis process.
Structuring the analysis approach
The ISO 56000 Series of standards outlines the activities and processes for fostering innovation within an organisation. They can also be used by ecosystem managers to position the actions of each of the players supporting innovation in companies or public organisations. However, this analysis requires a good understanding of the reference framework. We can help you set up an analysis of your ecosystem based on ISO 56002 and other tools such as the Global Innovation Index.
Ecosystem mapping
It is crucial to map the players in an ecosystem in order to effectively stimulate action. Mapping involves not only knowing how to list the players, but also formalising the flows between them and the combinations of actions they can take to create value for the region and for the end beneficiaries of the ecosystem’s support, be they entrepreneurs, start-ups, businesses or local authorities. We can assist you in producing these dynamic maps, putting the needs of the end user at the heart of the analysis.
Analysis and recommendations for development
There are two distinct situations in terms of innovation support systems. In areas or sectors where innovation has been a focus of work for many years, there are generally a large number of players. These have emerged over the decades as the definition of innovation has evolved and new practices or trends have emerged (R&D, networks, startups, labs, etc.). The actions to be considered are therefore different from those to be implemented in areas where innovation represents a newer ambition and where the ecosystem is in its infancy. Based on the Global Innovation Index model and our knowledge of different ecosystems around the world, we can help you to identify areas for progress tailored to your own situation.
Public or private structures coordinating or wishing to initiate a National, Regional or Sectoral Innovation Support System.
Intervention formats
An action lasting one or more days to shed light on a particular issue.
A combination of actions, most often starting with an analysis of your needs.
A solution that allows you to benefit from our support at a regular rate of 3 to 6 days a month.
Let's get to know each other and see how we can build synergies.

Conferences and Keynotes
In addition to processes, innovation is also driven by dreams and passion.
Convinced of the importance of innovating more, better and everywhere to meet the urgent needs of our time, Johan Claire, CEO of Innovation Way, is actively involved in a number of international networks. His experience in the field and his chairmanship of ISO TC 279 enable him to deliver impactful interventions by adapting to all levels of interlocutors.